21 November 2006

Eclipse installation

I'm working as a Web developer and I use Eclipse a lot as my IDE. Before you can use Eclipse, you must have Java installed in your system, here's how :

  1. Go to Sun's website http://java.sun.com and select the Java JDK or JRE that you want. In my case downloaded j2sdk1.5_1.5.0 Update 7.
  2. Because I want to create a deb so first install the required packages :

    sudo apt-get install fakeroot java-common
  3. And then create the deb file for the install

    fakeroot make-jpkg jdk-1_5_0_07-linux-i586.bin
  4. Then install the deb file

    sudo dpkg -i sun-j2sdk1.5_1.5.0+update07_i386.deb
  5. Now make Sun's Java the default by running this command and selecting it

    sudo update-alternatives --config java

Test your installation by execute command javac

Now here's how to get Eclipse run on your system :

  1. Download Eclipse from here
  2. Extract it to /opt with

    sudo tar xvfz eclipse-SDK-3.2-linux-gtk.tar.gz -C /opt
  3. Change owner of Eclipse directory with

    sudo chmod -R yourname:yourname /opt/eclipse
  4. Start Eclipse with /opt/eclipse/eclipse

You can also add a launcher for Eclipse in your panel, here's how :

  1. Right click at your chosen panel, select "Add New Item"
  2. Select Launcher and click "Add"
  3. At column Name, enter : Eclipse
  4. Select an image file for launcher from /opt/eclipse, select icon.xpm
  5. At column Command, enter : /opt/eclipse/eclipse
  6. Click "Close"

Done. Now you have Eclipse as your IDE.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To change the owner of the folder i used the "chown" command insted of "chmod". Otherwise great post.