21 November 2006

When apt-get meet Squid

If you using apt-get (or any software that use apt-get) behind proxy server (like Squid) make sure that you add this in your ~/.bashrc:

export http_proxy=

You should change to your IP and 6588 to your proxy port.

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Playing OpenTTD in Xubuntu

From openttd.com :

OpenTTD is a clone of the Microprose game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe", a popular game originally written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features.

Follow this steps to make play OpenTTD in your Xubuntu box :

Download latest stable version for Ubuntu from here or you can choose what you want from here

  1. Install the downloaded file with

    sudo dpkg -i openttd_0.4.8-1_i386.deb

    you can also install the .deb file right from Thunar
  2. To properly play this game, original data files are needed. You should copy the data files from the original TTD into the data directory in /usr/share/games/openttd/data. You should copy these files:

    • trg1r.grf
    • trgcr.grf
    • trghr.grf
    • trgir.grf
    • trgtr.grf
    • sample.cat

Find where to download the original data files from here, I downloaded the original data files for Transport Tycoon Deluxe (Windows) and it works fine for me.

To play the game, simply launch with openttd

If you want to add a launcher for OpenTTD on your panel you can use /usr/share/pixmaps/openttd.64.png as its icon.

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Install a .deb file from Thunar

So you dont like to use sudo dpkg -i blabla.deb ? No problem, start Thunar, double-click your .deb file, wait a second and gdebi will came up. Review the .deb you want to install, click Install Package to install.

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How to add a Launcher

Simply like this

  1. Right click at your chosen panel, select "Add New Item"
  2. Select Launcher and click "Add"
  3. At column Name, enter : Your program name
  4. Select an image file for use as a launcher icon
  5. At column Command, enter : command to launch your program
  6. Click "Close"

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Eclipse installation

I'm working as a Web developer and I use Eclipse a lot as my IDE. Before you can use Eclipse, you must have Java installed in your system, here's how :

  1. Go to Sun's website http://java.sun.com and select the Java JDK or JRE that you want. In my case downloaded j2sdk1.5_1.5.0 Update 7.
  2. Because I want to create a deb so first install the required packages :

    sudo apt-get install fakeroot java-common
  3. And then create the deb file for the install

    fakeroot make-jpkg jdk-1_5_0_07-linux-i586.bin
  4. Then install the deb file

    sudo dpkg -i sun-j2sdk1.5_1.5.0+update07_i386.deb
  5. Now make Sun's Java the default by running this command and selecting it

    sudo update-alternatives --config java

Test your installation by execute command javac

Now here's how to get Eclipse run on your system :

  1. Download Eclipse from here
  2. Extract it to /opt with

    sudo tar xvfz eclipse-SDK-3.2-linux-gtk.tar.gz -C /opt
  3. Change owner of Eclipse directory with

    sudo chmod -R yourname:yourname /opt/eclipse
  4. Start Eclipse with /opt/eclipse/eclipse

You can also add a launcher for Eclipse in your panel, here's how :

  1. Right click at your chosen panel, select "Add New Item"
  2. Select Launcher and click "Add"
  3. At column Name, enter : Eclipse
  4. Select an image file for launcher from /opt/eclipse, select icon.xpm
  5. At column Command, enter : /opt/eclipse/eclipse
  6. Click "Close"

Done. Now you have Eclipse as your IDE.

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Adding a directory shortcut in Thunar

To add a directory shortcut in Thunar, simply drag the directory you want to the lower part of the side pane.

To remove a directory shorcut, select the directory you want, right-click and select Remove Shortcut form the context menu.

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17 November 2006

LAMPP (XAMPP for Linux) Installation

XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP, Perl and more. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use - just download, extract and start. The installation I've done here is very straightforward

  1. Download LAMPP latest version here
  2. From a shell, do to the directory where you put the downloaded archive, extract it to /opt with

    sudo tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.5.4a.tar.gz -C /opt
  3. Simply execute this command to start LAMPP with

    sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start
  4. If you happen had this message /opt/lampp/bin/mysql.server: 334: log_success_msg: not found, simply follow this instruction to edit your mysql.server file
  5. Open the file with sudo mousepad /opt/lampp/bin/mysql.server
  6. On the 1st line change #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash
To check your installation, start Firefox and go to http://localhost

You can find more information about other start and stop parameters here.

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15 November 2006

6.06 or 6.10?

Edgy Eft is 6.10 right? at last that is what I saw in Xubuntu website

but when I run Firefox, its welcome page say

is it a bug?

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08 November 2006

Xubuntu Edgy Eft installation

The download is done, the md5sum is good and finally I got my chance to replace SUSE with Xubuntu in my Compaq Presario 2500, a laptop with a 2,6 GHz P4 processor and 736 MB of RAM. For me there is nothing new in Xubuntu installation procedure, I've used Ubuntu since 5.04.

But a problem occur, I got stuck on the manual partition config. Later I know that there is a bug when selecting to do a manual config of the partitions. Even if you select a root partition it throws an warning that no root partition has been selected. Thus causing you to never get past the screen.

In SUSE, I use /dev/hda9 as / and /dev/hda8 as /home, but somehow I can't get this config done. Informed by this post I try to format those partitions using

sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda9

sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda8

I start the installation wizard again and my problem solved.

Now Xubuntu is up and running, this is my first time using Xubuntu daily and so far it run faster than my previous distro.

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